Friday, July 24, 2015

Making Things Disappear

(image credit)

On reading an article that scientists can render an object invisible by steering electromagnetic waves around it, thus leaving no light reflected or retracted, with which to see the object.

Reference: Behold the Appearance of the Invisibility Cloak.

Physics is a bit behind psychology –
Mind has mastered that invisibility.

Some repulsive thing occurs?  No worries here –
Heave the trunk to sea.  Walk lightly off the pier. 

Pride is stained or cracked?  So easy to believe
The perfection of your face.  Don’t cry.  Don’t grieve. 

Lover makes you mad?  Avoid expressing it.   
Put it back on him.  Or find a dog to hit. 

You do something flatly wrong?  Go on, explain.
Wash your hands.  If needed, stand beneath the rain. 

Now, neurotic symptoms may appear.  Don’t fret.
A small price to pay.  For all the peace you get.

Making Things Disappear © Ron Villejo

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


The patting down
The smoothing off
Of dirt and sand

The rain poured on
The desert then
It disappeared

The star we know
Is unforgiving
At times like these

Tectonic plates
That separate
On surfaces

All roads lead to
Another life
Wherever it

May be it is
The patting down
The smoothing off

Another life
Is somewhere else
But here because

The armies made
Of dirt and sand
Must now disarm

Disperse themselves
Not just disperse
But also break

To tiny pieces
From which new life
Is carved like birth

All roads lead to
Another life
Somewhere above

Where hints of light
And lesser texture
Define that place

Song of rebirth
Is good or bad
Depending on

What good or bad
Is smoldering
Upon the skin

Rebirth © Ron Villejo