All to me. Against time. Against the world. Waveless, effortless, lawless.
In media res shall we begin, where battles neither won nor lost -
Surrender to a feel, and fall, til we no longer care the cost.
Reject the consequence. No discipline. Madness blooms.
As if there were a lesson to be leaned on, physics of a longing -
Whose pulse be steady, amplitude inflect, uncharted want prolonging.
I writhe where time slows, reel forever from your scent, unsure of breath -
I wonder how the moon will tangle for a pulse before its death.
Currents drift. We glide.
Industrial encounter at the edge of want, and fierce, and dust -
Stay put,
love - the cacophony of heat abates as metals rust.
They say it is a conversation that I want, and that is all -
I never think about their naïveté, as you come gnarl and scrawl.
Into the darkness we travel. Vanishing bends. Impulsive, careless, rapt.
So this is what we come to - what Picasso rendered
de la mer -
Entangled lovers at the edge, and salt wash fragments everywhere.
Whoever shall distinguish which - Are we far off, who recollect,
Or are we here, imagining incendiary want reflect?
There is a style to how we may comport - no matter parallax,
There is no questioning the planes we cross for fashion to a max.
Quiet behind my eyes. Thoughts astray. We fall into this. Like convection I rise. You scream through me. Explode to the sky.
Perhaps dear Newton would be pleased to find an equilibrium -
What shatters outwardly, we pull inside an arc where passions come.
Radiates, implodes.
As long as
style defines what look we seek, and feel we brood about -
Let heat convect, let nova be the love we make, let heavens pout.
My eyes onto yours. Erratic steps.
No matter vast the limestone of geometry, we find each other -
Oh, for a scent,
love, run down you, along a slope onto forever.
We stand in contrast to man.
For always there is no escaping you, no moment that is sacred -
Your scent my oxygen, your fingertips my
feel, my want upbraided.
I take up childhood play, as if I knew no better of a flame -
For curiosity is mine, no matter what is in a name.
Life of adoration.
So dawn creeps in, glides up, and tangles salt wash air and limestone wall -
The aftermath is always languorous, and love is at a fall.
Poetry for Calvin Klein Provocations © Ron Villejo